16.05: Hydrogen skills at the interregional Jobmesse in Saarland (DE)

16 May 2024 by
Green SKHy

The 13th interregional career fair "Job & Weiterbildung" in Saarbrücken is THE meeting place for anyone looking for a new job in Saarland and the neighbouring regions of the Greater Region. This event offers the opportunity to apply directly to over 80 employers in the Greater Region (Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium), as well as the diverse further education programmes of around 40 further education providers with their current range of courses. Over 6000 participants from Germany and France take part to this event every year.

Hydrogen was one of the main themes of the day, with presentations of innovative training courses from Kolping Bildung Deutschland (DE) and Afpa Grand Est (FR). The Bundesagentur für Arbeit and the Arbeitskammer des Saarlandes, both associated with the Green SKHy project, also organised an inspiring networking session between companies and training providers during the afternoon. Finally, the Green SKHy approach was presented by coordinator Clément Maury at a cross-border round table.

Expert presentations and workshops on the topics of job applications, job search and further training as well as a free photo shoot for digital application photos round off the programme in the Saarlandhalle.